Looking for Kent wedding venues? Browse through the list below and join thousands of others using our free service to help you find the perfect Kent weddings venue. From fields & farm through to country houses and castles, we have the perfect venue for everyone. Enquire to your chosen venues and book a viewing or ask about current packages, deals or offers they may be running. The beauty of Kent, is that there is something for everyone. More than the traditional church venues, hotels, farms and country houses are all options to consider when planning a wedding. Most of all, Registry Offices are a great alternative to the traditional church wedding if you’re on a budget. We list a plethora of possible venues for you to consider and each venue listing should contain ample info to help you make an educated decision before you enquire. If there are any more details or information required about a specific venue, just send a message via their enquiry form. This enquiry is sent to the venue’s events team and they’ll respond asap. Another options is the completely free venue-finding service we provide to couples in Kent who are looking for some assistance.