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Kingswood - Grosvenor Hall

Kingswood - Grosvenor Hall Kennington, Ashford, Kent TN25 4AJ

If you’re looking for a memorable place to hold events and conferences in spectacular surroundings, our Dearne Valley centre has it all covered, with refreshments, food, meeting room hire and projectors and AV equipment.

Venue Amenities & Facilities

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Venue Amenities

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Venue Facilites

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Main Room

Large Dining

Court Area

Open Areas

Large Hall

Wedding Venues

Kingswood - Grosvenor Hall

Kingswood - Grosvenor Hall Kennington, Ashford, Kent TN25 4AJ

If you’re looking for a memorable place to hold events and conferences in spectacular surroundings, our Dearne Valley centre has it all covered, with refreshments, food, meeting room hire and projectors and AV equipment.

Venue Amenities & Facilities

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Venue Amenities

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Venue Facilites

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Main Room

Large Dining

Court Area

Open Areas

Large Hall

Wedding Venues

Hire Kingswood - Grosvenor Hall

Large Dining
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Venue FAQ's

Can I preview the centre prior to my visit?
We are always happy to accommodate a preview of our centres. Please contact the centre you’re visiting to arrange a suitable date and time with the customer service department. You can find centre contact details here under ‘contacting centres’.

We are holders of the LOtC quality badge. This means you can be assured that we have met with required standards around safety, activity provision and learning outcomes. The Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel endorses the LOtC Quality Badge and the majority of Local Authority Outdoor Education Advisers have indicated that they accept the award in place of some or all of their checks. You can view which Local Authority Outdoor Education Advisers support the LOtC Quality Badge by visiting the OEAP website here.

Do I need copies of risk assessments or are you an LEA approved provider?
Many Education Authorities operate an approved supplier system, and you should check whether Kingswood is already on this list. We have visits from schools from right across the country, and it is likely that the Kingswood centre you are visiting is already known to your Outdoor Education Advisor.

In addition, all Kingswood centres carry the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge. This is accepted as assurance that the safety management system is adequate by many Outdoor Education Advisors, and you should check with them before forwarding copies of Kingswood's risk assessments. You can check which Education Advisors accept the Quality Badge at

I still need risk assessments for the activities. Can you provide these?
You can access all our current risk assessments here. Each heading is a hyperlink to open the relevant document and allow downloading or saving.

All of our risk assessments are reviewed on an annual basis as a minimum, but may be subject to additional review and updates following incidents, external inspections, feedback from user groups or changes to operational practices.

What is your LOTC badge number?
You can find our LOTC badge number for each centre here, where you can also find links to our AALA Accreditation for watersports at Peak Venture and the Isle of Wight. Or find out about our other accreditations and awards here.


Can I see a full list of available activities?
A full list of activities can be found here and can be filtered by centre and activity type.

When will we receive our programme and room allocations?
We aim to send out your room plan and activity programme four weeks prior to your trip. To ensure we meet this deadline, we ask you to provide gender splits eight weeks prior to the trip. Details of the information required will be in your twelve week email and can be provided to us via trip planner.

Can we change our programme?
Your programme will be designed around the learning outcomes and objectives you gave us at the time of booking. If you want to make changes, our programmer would be happy to discuss your programme. We welcome activity requests and although first choices may not always be available we will offer suitable alternatives. For more information on how we build your programme, see our making the most of your residential guide.

Why are there no watersports on my programme?
Watersports is available only as an upgrade at Colomendy, Dearne Valley, Isle of Wight, Peak Venture and Grosvenor Hall and is not included as standard in the Adventure Choice programme. Find out more about Adventure Choice and upgrades here.

Why does my programme include activities that are not in my chosen activity category?
When you make your booking you will choose three activity categories and three learning outcomes, our programmers will then design a programme that meets these objectives. Activities are shared between groups visiting us at the same time, so it is not possible, for example to have an activity programme of purely high ropes activities. However, you will be offered a well-rounded programme of activities that work together to meet your objectives.

Why has my group been split into groups of 15 for activities? Can we have smaller or larger groups?
The maximum number of participants is 15 per activity group. Our risk assessments are written to this number. In special circumstances, such as groups with complex SEN needs we may be able to operate smaller groups, these will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

Can I add more guests to my booking?
Changes can be made to the number of guests up until room allocations and activity groups are set eight weeks prior to the trip. Changes after this point will depend on accommodation and activity availability on centre and it may not be possible to accommodate additional guests.

Can the adults join in the activities too?
There should be at least one adult for each group of 15 children. At the end of the activity session, e.g. Zipwire, if all children have had their go, the adults are free to have a turn.  


Can we arrive outside set arrival times?

If you want to get even more out of your stay you can opt for one of our early arrival options and add an extra activity.

  • Standard Arrival
    Arrive at 14:30 to meet your group leader. Room allocations from 15:00 followed by ice breakers. First activity scheduled at 16:05.
  • Early arrival with 1 extra activity (lunch not included)
    Arrive at 12:30 (bring own packed lunch) and meet group leader. Room allocations from 14:00 followed by ice breakers. First activity scheduled at 14:30.
  • Early with 1 extra activity (lunch included)
    Arrive at 12:30, hot lunch included and meet group leader. Room allocations from 14:00 followed by ice breakers. First activity schedules at 14:30.
  • Self-Led Early Arrival
    Arrive after 12:30, self-led time until standard arrival time 14:30 to meet group leader. Room allocations from 15:00 followed by ice breakers. First activity scheduled at 16:05.

Do we get lunch on departure day?

Yes. All guests get lunch on departure, this may be a hot or cold lunch depending on your departure time.

What food is on the menu during our visit?
You can see a sample menu here. Closer to your visit, specific menus can be made available to you on request from the centre.

Are you able to cater for specific dietary needs for those with allergies/intolerances?
We can cater for most dietary requirements. Please contact the centre as soon as possible to make them aware of any allergies which they can discuss with you to ensure the correct provisions are in place for your visit.

What time are our meals?
Your group will have three meals a day and meal slots will be shown on your activity programme which will be issued within four weeks of your visit. For specific meal times you will need to contact the centre closer to your arrival date, although they will be subject to change until your arrival on centre.

Do you offer snacks and refreshments throughout the day?
Some centres have juice trolleys outside the diner between sessions and there are outside taps to fill water bottles up from. Snacks can also be purchased from the on-site shop.

How much money do they need to bring?
All activities and meals are included in the cost of the trip, however guests may which to purchase snacks and souvenirs from the shop. We would recommend bringing spending money of £10. Card machines are available at Colomendy, Dearne Valley, Grosvenor Hall, Isle of Wight, Overstrand Hall and West Runton.

Can we request a specific accommodation building?
We are happy to take requests for specific accommodation blocks but we cannot offer any guarantees (unless specifically confirmed at time of booking), especially in peak periods. Your group may be sharing an accommodation block with other groups but we will endeavour to keep groups on separate floors and corridors.

Do adults have single rooms?
Our teacher rooms are a mix of single and twin rooms, located close to the student dormitories. If you have specific requirements for single rooms, we will try to accommodate where possible.

Venue Location

Email Address:

Phone Number:

01022 556556

Web Address:,0.8744262,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x47deda70793853b5:0x4b0ff55a21e4a643!8m2!3d51.1681453!4d0.8766149

Venue Ratings

wedding planner kent

Sheila May

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”

Albert Einstein

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”